Cholpajsorn Junhom (ชลภัสสรณ์ จันทร์หอม)

Name : ชลภัสสรณ์ จันทร์หอม  
Cholpajsorn Junhom
Title : อาจารย์ ดร.
Lecturer, Dr.
Education : Ph.D. (Philosophy in Biomedical Science), Khon Kaen University
Expertise :
Contact Address : Faculty : เภสัชศาสตร์ Pharmaceutical
Department : เภสัชศาสตร์ชีวภาพ
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Author(s):Weerapreeyakul, N. | Junhom, C. | Barusrux, S. | Thitimetharoch, T.
Publication year: 2016
Journal / Book title: Chinese Medicine (United Kingdom)

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Posted: October 19, 2020, 9:55 am
Author(s):Pocasap, P. | Weerapreeyakul, N. | Junhom, C. | Phiboonchaiyanan, P.P. | Srisayam, M. | Nonpunya, A. | Siriwarin, B. | Khamphio, M. | Nanok, C. | Thumanu, K. | Tanthanuch, W. | Barusrux, S.
Publication year: 2020
Journal / Book title: Applied Sciences (Switzerland)

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Posted: October 19, 2020, 9:55 am
Author(s):Junhom, C. | Weerapreeyakul, N. | Tanthanuch, W. | Thumanu, K.
Publication year: 2017
Journal / Book title: Experimental Cell Research

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Posted: October 19, 2020, 9:55 am
Author(s):Junhom, C. | Weerapreeyakul, N. | Tanthanuch, W. | Thumanu, K.
Publication year: 2016
Journal / Book title: Experimental Cell Research

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Posted: October 19, 2020, 9:55 am
  1. APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL   Volume: ‏ 10   Issue: ‏ 11     Article Number: 3766   Published: ‏ JUN 2020
  2. EXPERIMENTAL CELL RESEARCH   Volume: ‏ 351   Issue: ‏ 1   Pages: ‏ 82-90   Published: ‏ FEB 1 2017
  3. EXPERIMENTAL CELL RESEARCH   Volume: ‏ 340   Issue: ‏ 1   Pages: ‏ 71-80   Published: ‏ JAN 1 2016
  4. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER   Volume: ‏ 50   Supplement: ‏ 5   Pages: ‏ S49-S49   Meeting Abstract: ‏ 213   Published: ‏ JUL 2014
  5. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER   Volume: ‏ 50   Supplement: ‏ 5   Pages: ‏ S48-S48   Meeting Abstract: ‏ 210   Published: ‏ JUL 2014