Prateep Oupkaew (ประทีป อูปแก้ว)

Name : ประทีป อูปแก้ว  Prateep_Oupkaew
Prateep Oupkaew
Title : อาจารย์, ดร.
Lecturer, Dr.
Education : Ph.D. (Agronomy), Chaingmai University
Expertise :
Contact Address : Faculty : เทคโนโลยีการเกษตร Agricultural Technology
Department : สำนักงานจัดการศึกษา General Education Office
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Author(s):Mongon, J. | Jantasorn, A. | Oupkaew, P. | Prom-U-Thai, C. | Rouached, H.
Publication year: 2017
Journal / Book title: OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences

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Posted: October 18, 2020, 6:16 pm
Author(s):Pusadee, T. | Oupkaew, P. | Rerkasem, B. | Jamjod, S. | Schaal, B.A.
Publication year: 2014
Journal / Book title: Annals of Applied Biology

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Posted: October 18, 2020, 6:16 pm
Author(s):Oupkaew, P. | Pusadee, T. | Sirabanchongkran, A. | Rerkasem, K. | Jamjod, S. | Rerkasem, B.
Publication year: 2011
Journal / Book title: Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution

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Posted: October 18, 2020, 6:16 pm
  1. By: Pusadee, T.; Oupkaew, P.; Rerkasem, B.; et al.
    ANNALS OF APPLIED BIOLOGY   Volume: 165   Issue: 2   Pages: 280-292   Published: SEP 2014
  2. By: Oupkaew, Prateep; Pusadee, Tonapha; Sirabanchongkran, Anothai; et al.
    GENETIC RESOURCES AND CROP EVOLUTION   Volume: 58   Issue: 3   Pages: 361-372   Published: MAR 2011