Wipawan Sirigulpanit (วิภาวรรณ ศิริกุลพาณิชย์)

Name : วิภาวรรณ ศิริกุลพาณิชย์ wipawan
Wipawan Sirigulpanit
Title : อาจารย์ ดร.
Lecturer, Dr.
Education : ปร.ด. (สรีรวิทยา), มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล
Expertise :
Contact Address : Faculty : เภสัชศาสตร์ Pharmaceutical Sciences
Department : เภสัชศาสตร์ชีวภาพ Biopharmacy
E-Mail : wipawans@go.buu.ac.th


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Author(s):Leardkamolkarn, V. | Sirigulpanit, W. | Kinney, R.M.
Publication year: 2010
Journal / Book title: Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology

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Posted: October 16, 2020, 12:51 am
Author(s):Leardkamolkarn, V. | Sirigulpanit, W. | Chotiwan, N. | Kumkate, S. | Huang, C.Y.-H.
Publication year: 2012
Journal / Book title: Virus Research

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Posted: October 16, 2020, 12:51 am
Author(s):Leardkamolkarn, V. | Sirigulpanit, W.
Publication year: 2012
Journal / Book title: Journal of Biomolecular Screening

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Posted: October 16, 2020, 12:51 am
Author(s):Leardkamolkarn, V. | Sirigulpanit, W. | Phurimsak, C. | Kumkate, S. | Himakoun, L. | Sripanidkulchai, B.
Publication year: 2012
Journal / Book title: Journal of Food Biochemistry

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Posted: October 16, 2020, 12:51 am
Author(s):Sirigulpanit, W. | Kinney, R.M. | Leardkamolkarn, V.
Publication year: 2007
Journal / Book title: Journal of General Virology

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Posted: October 16, 2020, 12:51 am
  1. Establishment of a Stable Cell Line Coexpressing Dengue Virus-2 and Green Fluorescent Protein for Screening of Antiviral Compounds
    By: Leardkamolkarn, V.; Sirigulpanit, W.
    JOURNAL OF BIOMOLECULAR SCREENING   Volume: 17   Issue: 3   Pages: 283-292  Published: MAR 2012
  2. By: Leardkamolkarn, Vijittra; Sirigulpanit, Wipawan; Chotiwan, Nunya; et al.
    VIRUS RESEARCH   Volume: 163   Issue: 2   Pages: 552-562   Published: FEB 2012
  3. By: Leardkamolkarn, Vijittra; Sirigulpanit, Wipawan; Phurimsak, Chayakom; et al.
    JOURNAL OF FOOD BIOCHEMISTRY   Volume: 36   Issue: 1   Pages: 86-92   Published:FEB 2012
  4. By: Leardkamolkarn, Vijittra; Sirigulpanit, Wipawan; Kinney, Richard M.
    JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICINE AND BIOTECHNOLOGY     Article Number: 934694  Published: 2010
  5. By: Sirigulpanit, Wipawan; Kinney, Richard M.; Leardkamolkarn, Vijittra
    JOURNAL OF GENERAL VIROLOGY   Volume: 88   Pages: 1748-1752   Part: 6  Published: JUN 2007