Titinun Auamnoy (ฐิตินันท์ เอื้ออำนวย)

Name : ฐิตินันท์ เอื้ออำนวย  
Titinun Auamnoy
Title : เภสัชกร รองศาสตราจารย์ ดร.
Associate Professor, Dr.
Education : Ph.D. (Socio-Economics), University Of Louisville, U.S.A.
Expertise :
Contact          Address : Faculty : เภสัชศาสตร์ Pharmaceutical Sciences
Department : เภสัชกรรมสังคมและบริหารเภสัชกิจ Social Pharmacy and Pharmacy Administration
E-Mail : atitinun@gmail.com


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Author(s):Neni, W.S. | Subrain, G. | Shamshir Khan, M.S.N.-N. | Martinez, K.P. | Auamnoy, T.
Publication year: 2020
Journal / Book title: Journal of Public Health (Germany)

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Posted: October 18, 2020, 8:26 am
Author(s):Selamat, N.W. | Martinez, K.P. | Nizam, M.S.N. | Subrain, G. | Yin, E.T.L. | Auamnoy, T.
Publication year: 2020
Journal / Book title: Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences

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Posted: October 18, 2020, 8:26 am
Author(s):Sukmak, P.C. | Auamnoy, T. | Vadcharavivad, S.
Publication year: 2013
Journal / Book title: Thai Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

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Posted: October 18, 2020, 8:26 am
Author(s):Kangwanrattanakul, K. | Auamnoy, T.
Publication year: 2019
Journal / Book title: Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research

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Posted: October 18, 2020, 8:26 am
Author(s):Surinrut, P. | Auamnoy, T. | Sangwatanaroj, S.
Publication year: 2016
Journal / Book title: Mental Health, Religion and Culture

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Posted: October 18, 2020, 8:26 am
Author(s):Phupradit, A. | Vadcharavivad, S. | Ingsathit, A. | Kantachuvesiri, S. | Areepium, N. | Sra-ium, S. | Auamnoy, T. | Sukasem, C. | Sumethkul, V. | Kitiyakara, C.
Publication year: 2018
Journal / Book title: Therapeutic Drug Monitoring

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Posted: October 18, 2020, 8:26 am
Author(s):Kittipanyaworakun, S. | Munprom, C. | Auamnoy, T. | Praditpornsilpa, K. | Vadcharavivad, S.
Publication year: 2013
Journal / Book title: Thai Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

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Posted: October 18, 2020, 8:26 am
  1. JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH-HEIDELBERG   Volume: ‏ 28   Issue: ‏ 3   Pages: ‏ 347-355   Published: ‏ JUN 2020
  2. EXPERT REVIEW OF PHARMACOECONOMICS & OUTCOMES RESEARCH   Volume: 19   Issue:   Pages: 313-320  Published: MAY 4 2019
  3. THERAPEUTIC DRUG MONITORING   Volume: 40   Issue:   Pages: 549-557   Published: OCT 2018
  4. VALUE IN HEALTH   Volume: 21   Supplement:   Pages: S61-S61   Meeting Abstract: PIH27   Published: SEP 2018
  5. VALUE IN HEALTH   Volume: 21   Supplement:   Pages: S77-S77   Meeting Abstract: PMH22   Published: SEP 2018
  6. VALUE IN HEALTH   Volume: 21   Supplement:   Pages: S59-S59   Meeting Abstract: PIH11   Published: SEP 2018
  7. By: Auamnoy, T.; Onnim, P.; Suriyong, P.; et al.
    VALUE IN HEALTH Volume: 19 Issue: 7 Pages: A404-A404 Meeting Abstract: PIH29 Published: NOV 2016
  8. By: Surinrut, Piyawan; Auamnoy, Titinun; Sangwatanaroj, Somkiat
    MENTAL HEALTH RELIGION & CULTURE Volume: 19 Issue: 7 Pages: 648-659 Published: 2016
  9. By: Phanudulkitti, C.; Nawkij, P.; Sungkaeo, A.; et al.
    VALUE IN HEALTH Volume: 19 Issue: 7 Pages: A843-A844 Meeting Abstract: PMH26 Published: NOV 2016
  10. By: Hemrachatanant, P.; Kajitpornwadee, T.; Korntanasin, T.; et al.
    VALUE IN HEALTH Volume: 19 Issue: 7 Pages: A913-A913 Meeting Abstract: PIN31 Published: NOV 2016
  11. By: Surinrut, P.; Auamnoy, T.; Sangwatanaroj, S.
    PSYCHOTHERAPY AND PSYCHOSOMATICS   Volume: 82   Supplement: 1   Pages:109-109   Meeting Abstract: 396   Published: SEP 2013
  12. By: Auamnoy, T.; Areepium, N.
    VALUE IN HEALTH   Volume: 14   Issue: 7   Pages: A422-A422   Published: NOV 2011
  13. By: Auamnoy, T.; Lertwimonchai, W.; Chantarastapornchit, V; et al.
    VALUE IN HEALTH   Volume: 12   Issue: 7   Pages: A314-A314   Published: OCT 2009
  14. By: Auamnoy, T.; Boondarick, J.; Munprom, C.
    VALUE IN HEALTH   Volume: 11   Issue: 6   Pages: A514-A515   Published: NOV 2008
    By: Thaipanich, A.; Wongchinsri, J.; Hemachudha, A.; et al.
    VALUE IN HEALTH   Volume: 11   Issue: 6   Pages: A629-A630   Published: NOV 2008
  16. By: Mekaroonreung, S.; Auamnoy, T.; Thaweechotepatara, P.; et al.
    VALUE IN HEALTH   Volume: 10   Issue: 6   Pages: A408-A408   Published: NOV-DEC 2007
  17. By: Mekaroonreung, S; Auamnoy, T; Thaweechotepatara, P
    VALUE IN HEALTH   Volume: 8   Issue: 3   Pages: 405-406   Published: MAY-JUN 2005
  18. By: Auamnoy, T; Mekaroonreung, S; Techawatcharatep, C
    VALUE IN HEALTH   Volume: 7   Issue: 6   Supplement: S   Pages: 720-720   Published:NOV-DEC 2004
  19. By: Auamnoy, T; Auamnoy, T
    VALUE IN HEALTH Volume: 6 Issue: 3 Pages: 200-200 Published: MAY-JUN 2003
  20. By: Auamnoy, TI; Mekaroonreung, S; Auamnoy, TH
    VALUE IN HEALTH   Volume:   Issue:   Pages: 250-250   Published: MAY-JUN 2003
  21. By: Auamnoy, T; Mekaroonreung, S; Taweechoitipatr, P; et al.
    VALUE IN HEALTH   Volume: 6   Issue: 6   Pages: 746-746   Published: NOV-DEC 2003