Emma Asnachinda (เอมม่า อาสนจินดา)

Name : เอมม่า อาสนจินดา เอมม่า
Emma Asnachinda
Title : ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร.
Assistant Professor, Dr.
Education : Ph.D. (Environmental Management), Chulalongkorn University
Expertise : Environmental engineering and management
Contact Address : Faculty : วิศวกรรมศาสตร์ Engineering
Department : วิศวกรรมเคมี Chemical Engineering
E-Mail : emma@eng.buu.ac.th


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Author(s):Asnachinda, E. | O'Haver, J.H. | Sabatini, D.A. | Khaodhiar, S.
Publication year: 2010
Journal / Book title: Journal of Applied Polymer Science

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Posted: October 18, 2020, 7:18 am
Author(s):Asnachinda, E. | Khaodhiar, S. | Sabatini, D.A.
Publication year: 2010
Journal / Book title: Journal of Surfactants and Detergents

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Posted: October 18, 2020, 7:18 am
Author(s):Asnachinda, E. | Khampaeng, C. | Sutthinon, P. | Khaodhiar, S.
Publication year: 2015
Journal / Book title: Journal of Surfactants and Detergents

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Posted: October 18, 2020, 7:18 am
Author(s):Attaphong, C. | Asnachinda, E. | Charoensaeng, A. | Sabatini, D.A. | Khaodhiar, S.
Publication year: 2010
Journal / Book title: Journal of Colloid and Interface Science

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Posted: October 18, 2020, 7:18 am
Author(s):Asnachinda, E. | Khaodhiar, S. | Sabatini, D.A.
Publication year: 2009
Journal / Book title: Journal of Surfactants and Detergents

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Posted: October 18, 2020, 7:18 am
  1. By: Asnachinda, Emma; Khampaeng, Chuthanan; Sutthinon, Pinpinat; et al.
    JOURNAL OF SURFACTANTS AND DETERGENTS   Volume: 18   Issue: 3   Pages: 439-444   Published: MAY 2015
  2. Adsorption and adsolubilization of polymerizable surfactants on aluminum oxide
    By: Attaphong, Chodchanok; Asnachinda, Emma; Charoensaeng, Ampira; et al.
    JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE   Volume: 344   Issue: 1   Pages: 126-131   Published: APR 1 2010
  3. By: Asnachinda, Emma; Khaodhiar, Sutha; Sabatini, David A.
    JOURNAL OF SURFACTANTS AND DETERGENTS   Volume: 13   Issue: 2   Pages: 143-148   Published: APR 2010
  4. By: Asnachinda, Emma; O’Haver, John H.; Sabatini, David A.; et al.
    JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE   Volume: 115   Issue: 2   Pages: 1145-1152   Published: JAN 15 2010
  5. By: Asnachinda, Emma; Khaodhiar, Sutha; Sabatini, David A.
    JOURNAL OF SURFACTANTS AND DETERGENTS   Volume: 12   Issue: 4   Pages: 379-386   Published: OCT 2009