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Somjai Apisawetakan (สมใจ อภิเศวตกานต์)

Name : สมใจ อภิเศวตกานต์ (ลาออก)  Somjai-Apisawetakan
Somjai Apisawetakan
Title : อาจารย์ ดร.
Lecturer, Dr.
Education : ปร.ด. (กายวิภาคศาสตร์), มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล
Expertise : กายวิภาคศาสตร์
Contact Address : Faculty : สหเวชศาสตร์ Allied Health Sciences
Department : ชีวเวชศาสตร์ Biomedical Sciences
E-Mail :


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Author(s):Saitongdee, P. | Apisawetakan, S. | Anunruang, N. | Poomthong, T. | Hanna, P. | Sobhon, P.
Publication year: 2005
Journal / Book title: Invertebrate Neuroscience

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Posted: October 19, 2020, 2:59 am
Author(s):Yurasakpong, L. | Apisawetakan, S. | Pranweerapaiboon, K. | Sobhon, P. | Chaithirayanon, K.
Publication year: 2020
Journal / Book title: Nutrition and Cancer

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Posted: October 19, 2020, 2:59 am
Author(s):Pranweerapaiboon, K. | Apisawetakan, S. | Nobsathian, S. | Itharat, A. | Sobhon, P. | Chaithirayanon, K.
Publication year: 2020
Journal / Book title: Inflammopharmacology

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Posted: October 19, 2020, 2:59 am
Author(s):Sangpairoj, K. | Apisawetakan, S. | Changklungmoa, N. | Kueakhai, P. | Chaichanasak, P. | Sobhon, P. | Chaithirayanon, K.
Publication year: 2018
Journal / Book title: Experimental Parasitology

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Posted: October 19, 2020, 2:59 am
Author(s):Apisawetakan, S. | Chanpoo, M. | Wanichanon, C. | Linthong, V. | Kruatrachue, M. | Upatham, E.S. | Pumthong, T. | Sobhon, P.
Publication year: 2001
Journal / Book title: Journal of Shellfish Research

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Posted: October 19, 2020, 2:59 am
Author(s):Sangpairoj, K. | Vivithanaporn, P. | Apisawetakan, S. | Chongthammakun, S. | Sobhon, P. | Chaithirayanon, K.
Publication year: 2017
Journal / Book title: Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology

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Posted: October 19, 2020, 2:59 am
Author(s):Sritunyalucksana, K. | Apisawetakan, S. | Boon-nat, A. | Withyachumnarnkul, B. | Flegel, T.W.
Publication year: 2006
Journal / Book title: Virus Research

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Posted: October 19, 2020, 2:59 am
Author(s):Changklungmoa, N. | Kueakhai, P. | Apisawetakan, S. | Riengrojpitak, S. | Sobhon, P. | Chaithirayanon, K.
Publication year: 2014
Journal / Book title: Parasitology Research

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Posted: October 19, 2020, 2:59 am
Author(s):Suphamungmee, W. | Apisawetakan, S. | Weerachatyanukul, W. | Wanichanon, C. | Sretarugsa, P. | Poomtong, T. | Sobhon, P.
Publication year: 2005
Journal / Book title: Molecular Reproduction and Development

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Posted: October 19, 2020, 2:59 am
Author(s):Panasophonkul, S. | Apisawetakan, S. | Cummins, S.F. | York, P.S. | Degnan, B.M. | Hanna, P.J. | Saitongdee, P. | Sobhon, P. | Sretarugsa, P.
Publication year: 2009
Journal / Book title: Histochemistry and Cell Biology

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Posted: October 19, 2020, 2:59 am
Author(s):Chanpoo, M. | Apisawetakan, S. | Thongkukiatkul, A. | Wanichanon, C. | Linthong, V. | Kruatrachue, M. | Upatham, E.S. | Pumthong, T. | Hanna, P.J. | Sobhon, P.
Publication year: 2001
Journal / Book title: Journal of Shellfish Research

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Posted: October 19, 2020, 2:59 am
  1. By: Sangpairoj, Kant; Vivithanaporn, Pornpun; Apisawetakan, Somjai; et al.
    CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR NEUROBIOLOGY   Volume: 37   Issue:   Pages: 1243-1255   Published: OCT 2017
  2. By: Changklungmoa, Narin; Kueakhai, Pornanan; Apisawetakan, Somjai; et al.
    PARASITOLOGY RESEARCH   Volume: 113   Issue: 6   Pages: 2335-2343   Published: JUN 2014
  3. By: Panasophonkul, Sasiporn; Apisawetakan, Somjai; Cummins, Scott F.; et al.
    HISTOCHEMISTRY AND CELL BIOLOGY   Volume: 131   Issue: 5   Pages: 629-642   Published: MAY 2009
  4. By: Sritunyalucksana, K; Apisawetakan, S; Boon-Nat, A; et al.
    VIRUS RESEARCH   Volume: 118   Issue: 1-2   Pages: 31-38   Published: JUN 2006
  5. By: Suphamungmee, W; Apisawetakan, S; Weerachatyanukul, W; et al.
    MOLECULAR REPRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT   Volume: 70   Issue: 2   Pages: 211-221   Published: FEB 2005
  6. By: Panasophonkul, S; Sretarugsa, P; Anunruang, N; et al.
    Conference: 5th International Symposium on Abalone Biology, Fisheries and Culture Location: Ocean Univ China, Qingdao, PEOPLES R CHINA Date: OCT 12-17, 2003
    JOURNAL OF SHELLFISH RESEARCH   Volume: 23   Issue: 4   Pages: 1087-1095   Published: DEC 2004
  7. By: Wanichanon, C; Laimek, P; Chitchulanon, N; et al.
    Conference: 5th International Symposium on Abalone Biology, Fisheries and Culture Location: Ocean Univ China, Qingdao, PEOPLES R CHINA Date: OCT 12-17, 2003
    JOURNAL OF SHELLFISH RESEARCH   Volume: 23   Issue: 4   Pages: 1097-1106   Published: DEC 2004
  8. By: Apisawetakan, S; Chanpoo, M; Wanichanon, C; et al.
    Conference: 4th International Symposium on Abalone Biology, Fisheries and Culture Location: UNIV CAPE TOWN, CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA Date: FEB 06-11, 2000
    JOURNAL OF SHELLFISH RESEARCH   Volume: 20   Issue: 2   Pages: 717-724   Published: DEC 2001
  9. By: Chanpoo, M; Apisawetakan, S; Thongkukiatkul, A; et al.
    Conference: 4th International Symposium on Abalone Biology, Fisheries and Culture Location: UNIV CAPE TOWN, CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA Date: FEB 06-11, 2000
    JOURNAL OF SHELLFISH RESEARCH   Volume: 20   Issue: 2   Pages: 725-731   Published: DEC 2001
  10. By: Sobhon, P; Apisawetakan, S; Linthong, V; et al.
    INVERTEBRATE REPRODUCTION & DEVELOPMENT   Volume: 39   Issue: 1   Pages: 55-66   Published: APR 2001
  11. By: Apisawetakan, S; Linthong, V; Wanichanon, C; et al.
    INVERTEBRATE REPRODUCTION & DEVELOPMENT   Volume: 39   Issue: 1   Pages: 67-79   Published: APR 2001

Sombat Suwanpitak (สมบัติ สุวรรณพิทักษ์)

Name : สมบัติ สุวรรณพิทักษ์ สมบัติ1
Sombat Suwanpitak
Title : อาจารย์ ดร.
Lecturer, Dr.
Education : กศ.ด. (การวิจัยและพัฒนาหลักสูตร), มหาวิทยาลัยศรีนครินทรวิโรฒ ประสานมิตร
Expertise : การวิจัยและพัฒนาหลักสูตร
Contact Address : Faculty : ศึกษาศาสตร์ Education
Department : ศูนย์นวัตกรรมการบริหารและผู้นำทางการศึกษา
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Author(s):Suwanpitak, S.
Publication year: 2008
Journal / Book title: International Review of Education

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Posted: October 17, 2020, 3:26 am

Sujintana Chompusri (สุจินตนา ชมภูศรี)

Name : สุจินตนา ชมภูศรี (ลาออก)  
Sujintana Chompusri
Title : อาจารย์ ดร.
Lecturer, Dr.
Education : Ph.D. (Contaminant Hydrogeology), University of Birmingham, UK
Expertise : Hydrogeology
Contact Address : Faculty : ภูมิสารสนเทศศาสตร์ Geoinformatics
Department : สำนักงานจัดการศึกษา General Education Office
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Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of research literature and quality web sources. Quick, easy and comprehensive, Scopus provides superior support of the literature research process. Scopus is updated everyday.


Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of research literature and quality web sources. Quick, easy and comprehensive, Scopus provides superior support of the literature research process. Scopus is updated everyday.

Author(s):Chompusri, S. | Rivett, M.O. | Mackay, R.
Publication year: 2002
Journal / Book title: IAHS-AISH Publication

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Posted: October 17, 2020, 6:15 pm
Author(s):Ratanasthien, B. | Kandharosa, W. | Chompusri, S. | Chartprasert, S.
Publication year: 1999
Journal / Book title: Journal of Asian Earth Sciences

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Posted: October 17, 2020, 6:15 pm


Sompol Prakongpan (สมพล ประคองพันธ์)

Name : สมพล ประคองพันธ์ (เกษียณ) Sompol-Prakongpan
Sompol Prakongpan
Title : เภสัชกร ศาสตราจารย์เกียรติคุณ ดร.
Professor, Dr.
Education : Ph.D. (Pharmacy)
Expertise : Pharmacy
Contact Address : Faculty : เภสัชศาสตร์ Pharmaceutical Sciences
Department : สำนักงานจัดการศึกษา General Education Office
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SCOPUSISI Web of Science


Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of research literature and quality web sources. Quick, easy and comprehensive, Scopus provides superior support of the literature research process. Scopus is updated everyday.

Author(s):Pongjanyakul, T. | Prakongpan, S. | Panomsuk, S. | Puttipipatkhachorn, S. | Priprem, A.
Publication year: 2002
Journal / Book title: Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology

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Posted: October 17, 2020, 8:51 pm
Author(s):Homhuan, A. | Prakongpan, S. | Poomvises, P. | Maas, R.A. | Crommelin, D.J.A. | Kersten, G.F.A. | Jiskoot, W.
Publication year: 2004
Journal / Book title: European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

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Posted: October 17, 2020, 8:51 pm
Author(s):Hongrapipat, J. | Kopečková, P. | Prakongpan, S. | Kopeček, J.
Publication year: 2008
Journal / Book title: International Journal of Pharmaceutics

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Posted: October 17, 2020, 8:51 pm
Author(s):Sriamornsak, P. | Puttipipatkhachorn, S. | Prakongpan, S.
Publication year: 1997
Journal / Book title: International Journal of Pharmaceutics

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Posted: October 17, 2020, 8:51 pm
Author(s):Newton, P.N. | Hampton, C.Y. | Alter-Hall, K. | Teerwarakulpana, T. | Prakongpan, S. | Ruangveerayuth, R. | White, N.J. | Day, N.P.J. | Tudino, M.B. | Mancuso, N. | Fernández, F.M.
Publication year: 2008
Journal / Book title: American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

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Posted: October 17, 2020, 8:51 pm
Author(s):Pongjanyakul, T. | Prakongpan, S. | Priprem, A.
Publication year: 2003
Journal / Book title: Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy

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Posted: October 17, 2020, 8:51 pm
Author(s):Jantratid, E. | Prakongpan, S. | Foley, J.P. | Dressman, J.B.
Publication year: 2007
Journal / Book title: Biomedical Chromatography

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Posted: October 17, 2020, 8:51 pm
Author(s):Newton, P. | Proux, S. | Green, M. | Smithuis, F. | Rozendaal, J. | Prakongpan, S. | Chotivanich, K. | Mayxay, M. | Looareesuwan, S. | Farrar, J. | Nosten, F. | White, N.J.
Publication year: 2001
Journal / Book title: Lancet

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Posted: October 17, 2020, 8:51 pm
Author(s):Jaraswekin, S. | Prakongpan, S. | Bodmeier, R.
Publication year: 2007
Journal / Book title: Journal of Microencapsulation

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Posted: October 17, 2020, 8:51 pm
Author(s):Hongrapipat, J. | Kopečková, P. | Liu, J. | Prakongpan, S. | Kopeček, J.
Publication year: 2008
Journal / Book title: Molecular Pharmaceutics

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Posted: October 17, 2020, 8:51 pm
Author(s):Chantasart, D. | Sa-Nguandeekul, P. | Prakongpan, S. | Li, S.K. | Higuchi, W.I.
Publication year: 2007
Journal / Book title: Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

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Posted: October 17, 2020, 8:51 pm
Author(s):Chantasart, D. | Li, S.K. | He, N. | Warner, K.S. | Prakongpan, S. | Higuchi, W.I.
Publication year: 2004
Journal / Book title: Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

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Posted: October 17, 2020, 8:51 pm
Author(s):Jantratid, E. | Prakongpan, S. | Amidon, G.L. | Dressman, J.B.
Publication year: 2006
Journal / Book title: Clinical Pharmacokinetics

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Posted: October 17, 2020, 8:51 pm
Author(s):Pukrittayakamee, S. | Prakongpan, S. | Wanwimolruk, S. | Clemens, R. | Looareesuwan, S. | White, N.J.
Publication year: 2003
Journal / Book title: Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy

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Posted: October 17, 2020, 8:51 pm
Author(s):Jantratid, E. | Prakongpan, S. | Dressman, J.B. | Amidon, G.L. | Junginger, H.E. | Midha, K.K. | Barends, D.M.
Publication year: 2006
Journal / Book title: Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

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Posted: October 17, 2020, 8:51 pm
Author(s):Nontprasert, A. | Pukrittayakamee, S. | Prakongpan, S. | Supanaranond, W. | Looareesuwan, S. | White, N.J.
Publication year: 2002
Journal / Book title: Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

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Posted: October 17, 2020, 8:51 pm
Author(s):Pongjanyakul, T. | Prakongpan, S. | Rungsardthong, U. | Chancham, P. | Priprem, A.
Publication year: 2005
Journal / Book title: Powder Technology

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Posted: October 17, 2020, 8:51 pm
Author(s):Pongjanyakul, T. | Prakongpan, S. | Priprem, A.
Publication year: 2000
Journal / Book title: Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy

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Posted: October 17, 2020, 8:51 pm
Author(s):Ngawhirunpat, T. | Opanasopit, P. | Prakongpan, S.
Publication year: 2004
Journal / Book title: European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics

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Posted: October 17, 2020, 8:51 pm
Author(s):Sriamornsak, P. | Prakongpan, S. | Puttipipatkhachorn, S. | Kennedy, R.A.
Publication year: 1997
Journal / Book title: Journal of Controlled Release

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Posted: October 17, 2020, 8:51 pm
  1. By: Newton, Paul N.; Hampton, Christina Y.; Alter-Hall, Krystyn; et al.
    AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE AND HYGIENE   Volume: 79   Issue: 5  Pages: 662-669   Published: NOV 2008
  2. Combination chemotherapy and photodynamic therapy with Fab ‘ fragment targeted HPMA copolymer conjugates in human ovarian carcinoma cells
    By: Hongrapipat, Jarunee; Kopeckova, Pavla; Liu, Jihua; et al.
    MOLECULAR PHARMACEUTICS   Volume: 5   Issue: 5   Pages: 696-709   Published:SEP-OCT 2008
  3. Enhanced antitumor activity of combinations of free and HPMA copolymer-bound drugs
    By: Hongrapipat, J.; Kopeckovda, P.; Prakongpan, S.; et al.
    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS   Volume: 351   Issue: 1-2   Pages:259-270   Published: MAR 3 2008
  4. By: Jantratid, Ekarat; Prakongpan, Sompol; Foley, Joe P.; et al.
    BIOMEDICAL CHROMATOGRAPHY   Volume: 21   Issue: 9   Pages: 949-957  Published: SEP 2007
  5. By: Chantasart, Doungdaw; Sa-Nguandeekul, Piyanuch; Prakongpan, Sompol; et al.
    JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES   Volume: 96   Issue: 9   Pages: 2310-2326   Published: SEP 2007
  6. By: Jaraswekin, Saowanee; Prakongpan, Sompol; Bodmeier, Roland
    JOURNAL OF MICROENCAPSULATION   Volume: 24   Issue: 2   Pages: 117-128  Published: 2007
  7. By: Jantratid, E; Prakongpan, S; Dressman, JB; et al.
    JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES   Volume: 95   Issue: 5   Pages: 974-984  Published: MAY 2006
  8. By: Jantratid, E; Prakongpan, S; Amidon, GL; et al.
    CLINICAL PHARMACOKINETICS   Volume: 45   Issue: 4   Pages: 385-399   Published:2006
  9. By: Ponglanyakul, T; Prakongpan, S; Rungsardthong, U; et al.
    POWDER TECHNOLOGY   Volume: 152   Issue: 1-3   Pages: 100-106   Published: APR 29 2005
  10. By: Ngawhirunpat, T; Opanasopit, P; Prakongpan, S
    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS AND BIOPHARMACEUTICS   Volume: 58  Issue: 3   Pages: 645-651   Published: NOV 2004
  11. Virosome and ISCOM vaccines against Newcastle disease: Preparation, characterization and immunogenicity
    By: Homhuan, A; Prakongpan, S; Poomvises, P; et al.
    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES   Volume: 22   Issue: 5  Pages: 459-468   Published: AUG 2004
  12. Mechanistic studies of branched-chain alkanols as skin permeation enhancers
    By: Chantasart, D; Li, SK; He, N; et al.
    JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES   Volume: 93   Issue: 3   Pages: 762-779  Published: MAR 2004
  13. By: Pukrittayakamee, S; Prakongpan, S; Wanwimolruk, S; et al.
    ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS AND CHEMOTHERAPY   Volume: 47   Issue: 5   Pages:1509-1513   Published: MAY 2003
  14. Acrylic matrix type nicotine transdermal patches: In vitro evaluations and batch-to-batch uniformity
    By: Pongjanyakul, T; Prakongpan, S; Priprem, A
    DRUG DEVELOPMENT AND INDUSTRIAL PHARMACY   Volume: 29   Issue: 8   Pages:843-853   Published: 2003
  15. By: Pongjanyakul, T; Prakongpan, S; Panomsuk, S; et al.
    JOURNAL OF PHARMACY AND PHARMACOLOGY   Volume: 54   Issue: 10   Pages:1345-1350   Published: OCT 2002
  16. By: Nontprasert, A; Pukrittayakamee, S; Prakongpan, S; et al.
    TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF TROPICAL MEDICINE AND HYGIENE  Volume: 96   Issue: 1   Pages: 99-101   Published: JAN-FEB 2002
  17. By: Newton, P; Proux, S; Green, M; et al.
    LANCET   Volume: 357   Issue: 9272   Pages: 1948-1950   Published: JUN 16 2001

Sukhontip Thaomola (สุคนทิพย์ เถาว์โมลา)

Name : สุคนทิพย์ เถาว์โมลา sukhontip
Sukhontip Thaomola
Title : ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร.
Assistant Professor, Dr.
Education : วท.ด. (เคมี), มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีสุรนารี
Expertise :
  •  การคำนวณทางเคมีคอมพิวเตอร์ โดยเฉพาะการทำ Molecular Docking
  • Molecular Dynamics Simulation ของไอออนในสารละลาย การคำนวณทางคอมพิวเตอร์ของวัสดุต่างๆ
Contact Address : Faculty : วิทยาศาสตร์และศิลปศาสตร์ Science and Arts
Department : สำนักงานจัดการศึกษา General Education Office
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Author(s):Sompech, S. | Thaomola, S. | Chingsungnoen, A. | Dasri, T.
Publication year: 2019
Journal / Book title: Materials Research Express

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Posted: October 16, 2020, 9:25 am
Author(s):Sompech, S. | Thaomola, S. | Dasri, T.
Publication year: 2016
Journal / Book title: Oriental Journal of Chemistry

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Posted: October 16, 2020, 9:25 am
Author(s):Thaomola, S. | Sompech, S.
Publication year: 2018
Journal / Book title: Materials Research Express

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Posted: October 16, 2020, 9:25 am
Author(s):Sompech, S. | Dasri, T. | Thaomola, S.
Publication year: 2016
Journal / Book title: Oriental Journal of Chemistry

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Posted: October 16, 2020, 9:25 am
Author(s):Thaomola, S. | Sompech, S. | Dasri, T.
Publication year: 2018
Journal / Book title: Materials Today: Proceedings

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Posted: October 16, 2020, 9:25 am
Author(s):Thaomola, S. | Tongraar, A. | Kerdcharoen, T.
Publication year: 2012
Journal / Book title: Journal of Molecular Liquids

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Posted: October 16, 2020, 9:25 am
  1. SCIENCEASIA   Volume: ‏ 47   Issue: ‏ 3   Pages: ‏ 340-346   Published: ‏ JUN 2021
  2. JOURNAL OF METALS MATERIALS AND MINERALS   Volume: ‏ 30   Issue: ‏ 4   Pages: ‏ 84-89   Published: ‏
  3. By: Thaomola, Sukhontip; Sompech, Supachai
    MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS   Volume:   Issue:     Article Number: 056205   Published: MAY 2018
  4. By: Sompech, Supachai; Thaomola, Sukhontip; Dasri, Thananchai
    ORIENTAL JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY   Volume: 32   Issue: 1   Pages: 85-91   Published: MAR 2016
  5. By: Sompech, Supachai; Dasri, Thananchai; Thaomola, Sukhontip
    ORIENTAL JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY   Volume: 32   Issue:   Pages: 1923-1928   Published: 2016
  6. By: Thaomola, Sukhontip; Tongraar, Anan; Kerdcharoen, Teerakiat
    JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS   Volume: 174   Pages: 26-33   Published: OCT 2012

ปีงบประมาณ 2561

  1. การเตรียม การวิเคราะห์ และการประยุกต์ใช้ถ่านกัมมันต์จากวัสดุเหลือทิ้งทางการเกษตรจากภาคตะวันออกของประเทศไทย เพื่อเป็นตัวดูดซับโลหะหนักจากสารละลายน้ำ

ปีงบประมาณ 2559

  1. การคัดสรรเสมือนจริง เพื่อหาสารออกฤทธิ์ยับยั้งไวรัสตัวแดงดวงขาวจากสมุนไพรไทย โดยใช้โปรแกรม AutoDock

ปีงบประมาณ 2556

  1. คุณสมบัติทางโครงสร้างของ 5MTAR เพื่อเป็นสารรับรู้สำหรับการตรวจหาปริมาณของไอออนคอปเปอร์

ปีที่ตีพิมพ์ 2564

  1. Localized surface plasmon resonance for improving optical absorption in core-shell Ag@TiO2 nanoparticles

ปีที่ตีพิมพ์ 2563

  1. Preparation and properties of fired clay bricks with added wood ash

ปีที่ตีพิมพ์ 2562

  1. Theoretical calculation of optical absorption property of Cu@Ag core-shell composite nanoparticle

ปีที่ตีพิมพ์ 2561

  1. Theoretical calculation of optical and magneto optical properties of magnetite nanorods
  2. Theoretical studies of structure and selectivity of 5-methyl-4-(2-thiazolylazo) resorcinol as a sensor for metal ions: DFT calculation

ปีที่ตีพิมพ์ 2559

  1. Common fixed point theorem for multi-valued mappings on b-metric spaces

ปีที่ตีพิมพ์ 2559

  1. Optical Effects in the Active Layer of Organic Solar Cells with Embedded Noble Metal Nanoparticles
  2.  Preparation and Characterization of Amorphous Silica and Calcium Oxide from Agricultural Wastes

ปีที่ตีพิมพ์ 2564

  1. การเตรียมผงแคลเซียมออกไซด์จากเปลือกหอยเหลือทิ้งในท้องถิ่น

Sombut Foithong (สมบัติ ฝอยทอง)

Name : สมบัติ ฝอยทอง
Sombut Foithong
Title : อาจารย์ ดร.
Lecturer, Dr.
Education : วศ.ด. (วิศวกรรมไฟฟ้า), สถาบันเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกล้า เจ้าคุณทหารลาดกระบัง
Expertise : วิศวกรรมไฟฟ้า
Contact Address : Faculty : วิทยาศาสตร์และศิลปศาสตร์ Science and Arts
Department : การจัดการโลจิสติกส์และการค้าชายแดน
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Author(s):Nguyen, T.H. | Foitong, S. | Pinngern, O.
Publication year: 2008
Journal / Book title: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering 2008, ICCCE08: Global Links for Human Development

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Posted: October 16, 2020, 9:24 am
Author(s):Foitong, S. | Srinil, P. | Pinngern, O.
Publication year: 2008
Journal / Book title: Proceedings - 5th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, FSKD 2008

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Posted: October 16, 2020, 9:24 am
Author(s):Foitong, S. | Pinngern, O. | Attachoo, B.
Publication year: 2012
Journal / Book title: IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems

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Posted: October 16, 2020, 9:24 am
Author(s):Srinil, P. | Thongnim, P. | Foitong, S. | Pinngern, O.
Publication year: 2017
Journal / Book title: 2016 Management and Innovation Technology International Conference, MITiCON 2016

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Posted: October 16, 2020, 9:24 am
Author(s):Foitong, S. | Rojanavasu, P. | Attachoo, B. | Pinngern, O.
Publication year: 2009
Journal / Book title: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

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Posted: October 16, 2020, 9:24 am
Author(s):Nguyen, T.H. | Foitong, S. | Srinil, P. | Pinngern, O.
Publication year: 2008
Journal / Book title: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)

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Posted: October 16, 2020, 9:24 am
Author(s):Huy, T.N. | Foitong, S. | Udomthanapong, S. | Pinngern, O.
Publication year: 2009
Journal / Book title: AIP Conference Proceedings

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Posted: October 16, 2020, 9:24 am
Author(s):Phokharatkul, P. | Foitong, S. | Kimpan, C.
Publication year: 2001
Journal / Book title: IEEE Region 10 International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Technology

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Posted: October 16, 2020, 9:24 am


Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of research literature and quality web sources. Quick, easy and comprehensive, Scopus provides superior support of the literature research process. Scopus is updated everyday.

Author(s):Foithong, S. | Srinil, P. | Yangyuen, K.T. | Phattaraworamet, T.
Publication year: 2017
Journal / Book title: 2016 Management and Innovation Technology International Conference, MITiCON 2016

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Posted: October 16, 2020, 9:24 am
Author(s):Foithong, S. | Srinil, P. | Pinngern, O. | Attachoo, B.
Publication year: 2017
Journal / Book title: Walailak Journal of Science and Technology

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Posted: October 16, 2020, 9:24 am
Author(s):Foithong, S. | Pinngern, O. | Attachoo, B.
Publication year: 2012
Journal / Book title: Expert Systems with Applications

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Posted: October 16, 2020, 9:24 am
  1. By: Foitong, Sombut; Pinngern, Ouen; Attachoo, Boonwat
    IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS   Volume: E95D   Issue: 4   Pages: 970-981   Published:APR 2012
  2. By: Foithong, Sombut; Pinngern, Ouen; Attachoo, Boonwat
    EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS   Volume: 39   Issue: 1   Pages: 574-584   Published: JAN 2012
  3. Conference: 13th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Location: Bangkok, THAILAND Date: APR 27-30, 2009
    Sponsor(s): Sirindhorn Int Inst Technol; Thammasat Univ; Chulalongkorn Univ; Asian Inst Technol; Natl Elect & Comp Technol Ctr; Thailand Convent & Exhibit Bureau; AF Off Sci Res, Asian Off Aerosp Res & Dev
    ADVANCES IN KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY AND DATA MINING, PROCEEDINGS   Book Series: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence   Volume: 5476   Pages: 973-+   Published: 2009
  4. Conference: International Multiconference of Engineers and Computer Scientists Location: Hong Kong, PEOPLES R CHINA Date: MAR 19-21, 2008
    Sponsor(s): Int Assoc Engineers; Int Assoc Engn, Soc Artificial Intelligence; Int Assoc Engn, Soc Bioinformat; Int Assoc Engn, Soc Comp Sci; Int Assoc Engn, Soc Data Mining; Int Assoc Engn, Soc Elect Engn; Int Assoc Engn, Soc Imaging Engn; Int Assoc Engn, Soc Info Syst Eng; Int Assoc Engn, Soc Internet Comp & Web Serv; Int Assoc Engn, Soc Mech Engn; Int Assoc Engn, Operat Res; Int Assoc Engn, Sci Comp; Int Assoc Engn, Soc Software Engn; Int Assoc Engn, Soc Wireless Networks
    IAENG TRANSACTIONS ON ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGIES VOL 1   Book Series: AIP Conference Proceedings   Volume: 1089   Pages: 58-+   Published: 2009
  5. Conference: International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering Location: Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA Date: MAY 13-15, 2008
    Sponsor(s): Int Islam Univ Malaysia, Fac Engn
  6. Conference: 5th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery Location: Jinan, PEOPLES R CHINA Date: OCT 18-20, 2008
    Sponsor(s): Shandong Univ; Int Nat Computat & Knowledge Discovery Assoc
  7. Conference: International Multiconference of Engineers and Computer Scientists Location: Hong Kong, PEOPLES R CHINA Date: MAR 19-21, 2008
    Sponsor(s): Int Assoc Engn; Int Assoc Engn, Soc Artificial Intelligence; Int Assoc Engn, Soc Bioinformat; Int Assoc Engn, Soc Comp Sci; Int Assoc Engn, Soc Data Mining; Int Assoc Engn, Soc Elect Engn; Int Assoc Engn, Soc Imaging Engn; Int Assoc Engn, Soc Info Syst Eng; Int Assoc Engn, Soc Internet Comp & Web Serv; Int Assoc Engn, Soc Mech Engn; Int Assoc Engn, Operat Res; Int Assoc Engn, Sci Comp; Int Assoc Engn, Soc Software Engn; Int Assoc Engn, Soc Wireless Networks
    IMECS 2008: INTERNATIONAL MULTICONFERENCE OF ENGINEERS AND COMPUTER SCIENTISTS, VOLS I AND II   Book Series: Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science   Pages: 468-473   Published: 2008
  8. Conference: 10th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI 2008) Location: Hanoi, VIETNAM Date: DEC 15-19, 2008
    Sponsor(s): Vietnamese Acad Sci & Technol; Minist Sci & Technol Vietnam; Hanoi Univ Technol; Vietnam Natl Univ, Air Force Off Sci Res, Asian Off Aerosp Res & Dev
    PRICAI 2008: TRENDS IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE   Book Series: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence   Volume: 5351   Pages: 1028-1033   Published: 2008
  9. Conference: IEEE Region 10 International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Technology Location: SINGAPORE, SINGAPORE Date: AUG 19-22, 2001
    Sponsor(s): IEEE Singapore Sect; IEEE Reg 10

Sumaitt Putchakarn (สุเมตต์ ปุจฉาการ)

Name : สุเมตต์ ปุจฉาการ sumaitt
Sumaitt Putchakarn
Title : ดร.
Education: ปร.ด. (วิทยาศาสตร์ชีวภาพ), มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา
Expertise :
Contact  Address: Faculty : สถาบันวิทยาศาสตร์ทางทะเล Institute of Marine Science
Department : ฝ่ายวิจัยวิทยาศาสตร์ทางทะเล
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Author(s):Putchakarn, S.
Publication year: 2007
Journal / Book title: Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom

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Posted: October 18, 2020, 4:47 am
Author(s):Jiso, A. | Kittiwisut, S. | Chantakul, R. | Yuenyongsawad, S. | Putchakarn, S. | Schäberle, T.F. | Temkitthaworn, P. | Ingkaninan, K. | Chaithirayanon, K. | Plubrukarn, A.
Publication year: 2020
Journal / Book title: Journal of Natural Products

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Posted: October 18, 2020, 4:47 am
Author(s):Cleary, D.F.R. | Swierts, T. | Coelho, F.J.R.C. | Polónia, A.R.M. | Huang, Y.M. | Ferreira, M.R.S. | Putchakarn, S. | Carvalheiro, L. | van der Ent, E. | Ueng, J.-P. | Gomes, N.C.M. | de Voogd, N.J.
Publication year: 2019
Journal / Book title: Nature Communications

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Posted: October 18, 2020, 4:47 am
Author(s):Suksamrarn, A. | Jankam, A. | Tarnchompoo, B. | Putchakarn, S.
Publication year: 2002
Journal / Book title: Journal of Natural Products

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Posted: October 18, 2020, 4:47 am
Author(s):Cleary, D.F.R. | Polónia, A.R.M. | Huang, Y.M. | Putchakarn, S. | Gomes, N.C.M. | De Voogd, N.J.
Publication year: 2019
Journal / Book title: FEMS Microbiology Ecology

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Posted: October 18, 2020, 4:47 am
Author(s):Yegdaneh, A. | Putchakarn, S. | Yuenyongsawad, S. | Ghannadi, A. | Plubrukarn, A.
Publication year: 2013
Journal / Book title: Natural Product Communications

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Posted: October 18, 2020, 4:47 am
Author(s):Mucharin, A. | Putchakarn, S. | Cedhagen, T.
Publication year: 2019
Journal / Book title: Phuket Marine Biological Center Research Bulletin

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Posted: October 18, 2020, 4:47 am
Author(s):Walter, T.C. | Ohtsuka, S. | Putchakarn, S. | Pinkaew, K. | Chullasorn, S.
Publication year: 2002
Journal / Book title: Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington

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Posted: October 18, 2020, 4:47 am
Author(s):Lim, S.-C. | Putchakarn, S. | Thai, M.-Q. | Wang, D. | Huang, Y.M.
Publication year: 2016
Journal / Book title: Raffles Bulletin of Zoology

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Posted: October 18, 2020, 4:47 am
Author(s):Ohtsuka, S. | Fosshagen, A. | Putchakarn, S.
Publication year: 1999
Journal / Book title: Plankton Biology and Ecology

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Posted: October 18, 2020, 4:47 am
  1. JOURNAL OF NATURAL PRODUCTS   Volume: 83   Issue:   Pages: 532-536   Published: FEB 2020
  2. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS   Volume: 10     Article Number: 1644   Published: APR 9 2019
  3. By: Lim, Swee-Cheng; Putchakarn, Sumaitt; Thai, Minh-Quang; et al.
    RAFFLES BULLETIN OF ZOOLOGY   Supplement: 34   Pages: 104-129   Part:   Published: JUN 29 2016
  4. By: Yegdaneh, Afsaneh; Putchakarn, Sumaitt; Yuenyongsawad, Supreeya; et al.
    NATURAL PRODUCT COMMUNICATIONS   Volume: 8   Issue: 10   Pages: 1355-1357   Published: OCT 2013
    By: Wells, Fred E.; Chalermwat, Kashane; Chitramvong, Yaowaluk; et al.
    RAFFLES BULLETIN OF ZOOLOGY   Supplement: 18   Pages: 259-264   Published: AUG 15 2008
  6. Species diversity of marine sponges dwelling in coral reefs in Had Khanom-Mo Ko Thale Tai National Park, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, Thailand                                                      By: Putchakarn, Sumaitt
    JOURNAL OF THE MARINE BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED KINGDOM   Volume: 87   Issue: 6  Pages: 1635-1642   Published: DEC 2007
  7. By: Walter, TC; Ohtsuka, S; Putchakarn, S; et al.
    PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON   Volume: 115   Issue: 3   Pages: 650-669  Published: OCT 14 2002
  8. By: Suksamrarn, A; Jankam, A; Tarnchompoo, B; et al.
    JOURNAL OF NATURAL PRODUCTS   Volume: 65   Issue: 8   Pages: 1194-1197   Published: AUG 2002

Supannee Leethochavalit (สุพรรณี ลีโทชวลิต)

Name : สุพรรณี ลีโทชวลิต สุพรรณี
Supannee Leethochavalit
Title : ดร.
Education : ปร.ด. (วิทยาศาสตร์ชีวภาพ), มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา
Expertise : วิทยาศาสตร์ชีวภาพ
Contact Address : Faculty : สถาบันวิทยาศาสตร์ทางทะเล Institute of Marine Science
Department : ฝ่ายสถานเลี้ยงสัตว์น้ำเค็ม
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Author(s):Leethochavalit, S. | Chalermwat, K. | Upatham, E.S. | Choi, K.-S. | Sawangwong, P. | Kruatrachue, M.
Publication year: 2004
Journal / Book title: Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

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Posted: October 18, 2020, 4:59 pm
Author(s):Leethochavalit, S. | Upatham, E.S. | Choi, K.-S. | Sawangwong, P. | Chalermwat, K. | Kruatrachue, M.
Publication year: 2003
Journal / Book title: Journal of Shellfish Research

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Posted: October 18, 2020, 4:59 pm
  1. Occurrence of Perkinsus sp in undulated surf clams Paphia undulata from the Gulf of Thailand
    By: Leethochavalit, S; Chalermwat, K; Upatham, ES; et al.
    DISEASES OF AQUATIC ORGANISMS   Volume: 60   Issue: 2   Pages: 165-171   Published: AUG 9 2004
  2. By: Leethochavalit, S; Upatham, ES; Choi, KS; et al.
    JOURNAL OF SHELLFISH RESEARCH   Volume: 22   Issue: 2   Pages: 431-434   Published: SEP 2003

Supit Siriarunrat (สุพิศ ศิริอรุณรัตน์)

Name : สุพิศ ศิริอรุณรัตน์  
Supit Siriarunrat
Title : ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร.
Assistant Professor, Dr.
Education : Dr.P.H. (Public Health Nursing), Mahidol University
Expertise :
Contact Address : Faculty : พยาบาลศาสตร์ Nursing
Department : การพยาบาลมารดา-ทารก และการผดุงครรภ์ Maternal-Newborn Nursing and Midwifery
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Author(s):Siriarunrat, S. | Lapvongwatana, P. | Powwattana, A. | Leerapan, P.
Publication year: 2010
Journal / Book title: Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health

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Posted: October 19, 2020, 1:14 am
  1. By: Siriarunrat, Supit; Lapvongwatana, Punyarat; Powwattana, Arpaporn; et al.
    SOUTHEAST ASIAN JOURNAL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE AND PUBLIC HEALTH   Volume: 41   Issue: 4  Pages: 961-972   Published: JUL 2010

Suriya Prongnamchai (สุริยา โปร่งน้ำใจ)

Name : สุริยา โปร่งน้ำใจ  
Suriya Prongnamchai
Title : นายแพทย์ ดร.
Dr. Md.
Education :
  • Doctor of Medicine (M.D.), Srinakarinwirot University
  • Diplomate Thai Board of Internal Medicine
Expertise : อายุรศาสตร์
Contact Address : Faculty : แพทยศาสตร์ Medicine
Department : อายุรศาสตร์ Internal Medicine
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Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of research literature and quality web sources. Quick, easy and comprehensive, Scopus provides superior support of the literature research process. Scopus is updated everyday.

Author(s):Yongsiri, S. | Thammakumpee, J. | Prongnamchai, S. | Tengpraettanakorn, P. | Chueansuwan, R. | Tangjaturonrasme, S. | Dinchuthai, P.
Publication year: 2015
Journal / Book title: Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis

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Posted: October 18, 2020, 9:49 pm
Author(s):Yongsiri, S. | Thammakumpee, J. | Prongnamchai, S. | Dinchuthai, P. | Chueansuwan, R. | Tangjaturonrasme, S. | Chaivanit, P.
Publication year: 2014
Journal / Book title: Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand

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Posted: October 18, 2020, 9:49 pm
  1. By: Yongsiri, Somchai; Thammakumpee, Jiranuch; Prongnamchai, Suriya; et al.
    THERAPEUTIC APHERESIS AND DIALYSIS   Volume: 19   Issue: 1   Pages: 81-86   Published: FEB 2015
  2. By: Yongsiri, Somchai; Thammakumpee, Jiranuch; Prongnamchai, Suriya; et al.
    AMERICAN JOURNAL OF KIDNEY DISEASES   Volume: 63   Issue: 5   Pages: A116-A116   Meeting Abstract: 390  Published: MAY 2014